Best Way To Change Free Fire Server


When I play Free Fire on my server, I often feel bored due to uninteresting events, Luck Royale, and the store section. However, other servers have exciting events, exclusive bundles, and better items. That’s why I switch between servers to explore upcoming events, bundles, Luck Royale, and more.

How to change free fire server

This is only possible by changing the Free Fire server. In this post, I will teach you two powerful methods to change your Free Fire server. Both methods are 100% working and easy to follow. Let's get started.

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Free Fire Server Change Methods

  • Without using VPN
  • Using VPN

Free Fire Server Change Without using VPN

This is the simplest method ever because you don’t need any additional apps or tools. Just follow these steps carefully.

1. Open Free Fire and log in using Google or Facebook (do not use a guest account).
2. In the lobby, go to Settings and change the game language to Hindi, Indonesian, or Bangladeshi, then save.
3. Log out of your account and close the game completely.
4. Reopen the game and log in with a guest account.

If you have an old guest account, this method will not work, so make sure to clear your old guest account data.

5. When your guest account opens, you will see a server selection dialog box with 4-5 servers like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Singapore.

6. Select the server you want to switch to and log in properly.

7. Your account will now be on the new server. To confirm, go to Settings and check the bottom left corner of the settings menu.

Note : When you try to change the server, make sure your old guest account is removed from your device.

One limitation of this without VPN method is that you can only switch between 4-5 specific servers. However, it is a very simple and effective method.

Free Fire Server Using VPN

This method is a powerful way to change your Free Fire server. Unlike the previous method, this allows you to switch to any Free Fire server without limitations.

Follow these steps carefully to change your Free Fire server successfully.

1. First, remove the old guest account from the game and clear the game data from your device settings.

2. Now, download a VPN from the Play Store that has a server for the country you want to switch to.Indian Server - Indian VPN

Pakistan Server - Pakistan VPN

Taiwan Server - Taiwan VPN

Japan Server - Japan VPN

Bangladesh Server - Bangladesh VPN

Brazil Server - Brazil VPN

Mena Server - Israel VPN

Russian (CSI) Server - Israel VPN

Chine Server - Chine VPN

3. Download a VPN from the Play Store and connect to the server of the country you want to switch to.

4. Open Free Fire with cleared data and log in with a guest account.

5. You will now be directly taken to the lobby on the new server. To confirm, go to Settings and check the bottom left side for the server details.

How To Remove Old Guest Account

To remove your old Free Fire guest account, follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall the Free Fire game from your device.
  2. Open File Manager and search for guest006.dat.
  3. Delete the guest006.dat file from your storage.
  4. Reinstall Free Fire from the Play Store.

Now, your old Free Fire guest account will be completely removed, and you can create a fresh guest account on a new server.

So that's it! These are the two working methods to change your Free Fire server.

You can use the VPN method for full access to any server, making it the most effective option.

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