I understand, brother—the frustration of Free Fire lagging due to ping issues, even when the internet connection is good.
When I play Free Fire, my ping stays stable, but as soon as an enemy comes near, my ping suddenly spikes, and I die.
After that, the ping stabilizes again. This keeps happening to me. But no worries! In this post, I'll share how I fixed my Free Fire ping problem using three methods.
So, let's get started!
Note : Make sure your internet has good speed and a stable connection. If you have both, but you’re still experiencing high ping and lag issues in Free Fire, then try these methods.
(toc) #title=(Table of Content)
Free Fire High Ping Fix Method
- Using Pinger Method
- Using VPN Method
- Using DNS Method
Using Pinger Method
In this method, you just need to download an app called Pinger. You won’t find this app on the Play Store, so download it from my Telegram link provided below.
(getButton) #text=(Download App) #icon=(demo) #color=(#3498db)
Once you’ve downloaded the app, simply open it and tap the power icon—that’s it! Now, go to the game and check your ping; you’ll see it’s stable.
I have two versions of Pinger: one is free, and the other is paid. Both are very effective for fixing high ping issues in Free Fire.
Using VPN Method
This method is very simple but highly effective. Go to the Play Store and download Turbo VPN or another popular VPN.
Once installed, open the VPN and connect to a server in your country—for example, if you’re from India, connect to an Indian server.
That’s it! Now, clear the game’s cache and open Free Fire. You’ll notice a significant improvement in ping stability.
I recommend using Turbo VPN, VPN Super, or Thunder VPN for this method.
Using DNS Method
Brother, for this method, you don’t need any app from me or the Play Store. All you need is a Wi-Fi connection. If you don’t have Wi-Fi, you can use another device to create a hotspot and connect your device to it.
If you're using Wi-Fi, follow these steps in your Wi-Fi settings:
1. Long press on the connected Wi-Fi network and select Advanced Settings.
2. Change IP Settings from DHCP to Static.
3. You’ll see options for DNS 1 and DNS 2. Enter the following:
DNS 1:
DNS 2:
4. Save the settings.
Now, you can either use all these methods at once or try them one by one—it’s your choice. If you face any problems related to this topic, feel free to leave a comment below.